Display Network

The display network refers to a group of websites, apps, and other digital properties that have partnered with Google to show Google Ads. These ads can appear on various placements, such as websites, apps, and video content, as long as they meet Google’s guidelines and policies. The display network is an important aspect of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, as it allows advertisers to reach a wider audience and drive brand awareness through visual and interactive ads.

How Does the Display Network Work?

Advertisers can use the display network to reach potential customers on websites and apps that are relevant to their business. When an advertiser creates a display campaign in Google Ads, they can choose to target specific placements, audiences, and topics. For example, an advertiser selling handmade furniture may choose to target websites about interior design and home decor, and exclude websites about sports or technology.

Once the campaign is active, Google’s algorithms will show the advertiser’s ads on placements that are most likely to perform well based on the targeting options selected. Advertisers only pay when a user clicks on their ad, hence the term pay-per-click.

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Types of Ads on the Display Network

The display network offers various ad formats that can be customised to meet the needs of different businesses. Some of the most common types of ads on the display network are:

  • Banner ads: These are rectangular ads that appear at the top or bottom of a webpage, and can be static or animated.
  • Text ads: These are simple ads that consist of a headline, description, and a link to the advertiser’s website. Text ads are usually smaller than banner ads and can appear on various placements, such as on the Google search results page or on a website within the display network.
  • Responsive ads: These are ads that automatically adjust their size, format, and appearance to fit the available space on a webpage. Responsive ads are a great option for advertisers who want to reach a wide range of devices and screen sizes.
  • Video ads: These are ads that appear before, during, or after a video on YouTube or other video-sharing platforms. Video ads can be up to 15 seconds long and can include a call-to-action, such as “Learn More” or “Sign Up.”

Benefits of the Display Network

The display network offers a number of benefits for advertisers, including:

  • Reach: The display network allows advertisers to reach a large and diverse audience, as it includes millions of websites and apps. Advertisers can use various targeting options to reach specific audiences, such as by location, demographics, interests, and behaviours.
  • Flexibility: The display network offers a wide range of ad formats and customisation options, which allows advertisers to choose the best option for their business and goals. Advertisers can experiment with different formats and adjust their campaigns based on performance.
  • Brand awareness: The display network is a great way to drive brand awareness and reach potential customers who may not be actively searching for a product or service. By showing ads on relevant websites and apps, advertisers can increase their visibility and establish themselves as a trusted and reputable brand.
  • Measurability: Google Ads provides detailed reporting and analytics on display campaigns, which allows advertisers to track their performance and optimise their campaigns for better results. Advertisers can see how many impressions, clicks, conversions, and other metrics their ads are getting, and make informed decisions based on this data.

Display Network Best Practices

There are several best practices that advertisers should follow when using the display network to ensure the success of their campaigns:

  • Define clear goals: Before creating a display campaign, it’s important for advertisers to define their goals and objectives. Are they looking to drive brand awareness, generate leads, or increase sales? Once the goals are clear, advertisers can choose the appropriate targeting and ad formats to achieve them.
  • Use relevant targeting: To get the most out of the display network, it’s important for advertisers to target their ads to relevant placements, audiences, and topics. By showing ads to users who are interested in the advertiser’s products or services, the chances of getting a click or a conversion are higher.
  • Use attractive and relevant creatives: The display network allows advertisers to use various types of creatives, such as images, videos, and text. It’s important for these creatives to be visually appealing and relevant to the target audience, as this will increase the chances of getting a click. Advertisers should also make sure to include a clear call-to-action in their creatives to encourage users to take the desired action.
  • Use responsive ad formats: As mentioned before, responsive ad formats are a great option for advertisers who want to reach a wide range of devices and screen sizes. These ad formats adjust their size and appearance to fit the available space on a webpage, which ensures that the ad looks good no matter where it’s shown.
  • Optimise and test: As with any PPC campaign, it’s important for advertisers to continuously optimise and test their display campaigns. Advertisers should use the data and analytics provided by Google Ads to identify underperforming placements, creatives, and targeting options, and make changes accordingly.

Display Network FAQ

Can I target specific websites on the display network?

Yes, the display network allows advertisers to target specific websites or apps by URL or category. Advertisers can choose to show their ads on all websites within a specific category, or exclude certain websites or categories if they wish.

Can I show my display ads on Google search results?

Yes, display ads can appear on Google search results, as well as on other Google properties such as Google Maps and Google Shopping. Advertisers can use the display network to reach users who are searching for specific keywords or phrases related to their business.

Can I target specific demographics or interests on the display network?

Yes, the display network offers a wide range of targeting options that allow advertisers to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviours. Advertisers can use these options to show their ads to users who are most likely to be interested in their products or services.

Can I use display ads for retargeting?

Yes, the display network allows advertisers to use display ads for retargeting, also known as remarketing. Retargeting allows advertisers to show ads to users who have previously visited their website or interacted with their brand. This can be a powerful way to bring users back to the website and increase the chances of conversion.